Category Archives: Buddhism

Mudras-Yoga Hand Exercises

Mudras-Yoga Hand Exercises

A Mudrā is a spiritual gesture and an energetic seal of authenticity employed in the iconography and spiritual practice of Buddhism or Hinduism.  The meaning of Mudra in Sanskrit is a “seal”, “mark”, or “gesture”.


The Dhyana Mudra (also known as meditation Mudra)

This Mudra is used in representations of the Śākyamuni Buddha and Amitābha Buddha.


This encompasses the gesture of meditation, of the concentration of the Good Law and the saṅgha.  Here the two hands are placed on the lap, right hand on left with fingers fully stretched (four fingers resting on each other and the thumbs facing upwards towards one another diagonally), palms facing upwards; in this manner, the hands and fingers form the shape of a triangle, which is symbolic of the spiritual fire or the Triratna (the three jewels).


Mudras’role in the practice of Yoga


Some Mudras involve the entire body; however, most are performed with the hands and fingers.  The positions of hands have always had a very essential role in the practice of yoga. This is also the reason why they are also called “Mudra- the architect of joy.”

In yoga, Mudras are used in conjunction with pranayama (yogic breathing exercises). It’s generally practiced while in seated position in Padmasana, Sukhasana or Vajrasana pose. This is to stimulate different parts of the body that is involved with breathing and to affect the flow of prana in the body.




(Stretch Your Ring Finger with Your Thumb and Maintain For a Few Seconds)


There are e large numbers of nerve endings that are at everyone’s fingers and fingertips. When they’re pressed in a specific way and activated, they help connect to channels and allow the free flow of energy circulating the body.


Here are some exercises to follow:

Gyan Mudra for Healing ( Mudra of Knowledge)





Sit in a lotus posture and keep your hands on knee. This means the hands are placed palms-up on the thighs or knees while sitting in vajrasana.  Then touch thumb tip and the forefinger on each of the hands forming a zero. The remaining three fingers are left free and extended.

This Mudrā activates the diaphragm, making for deep “stomach-breathing” as the diaphragm pushes out the internal organs when it descends towards the pelvis on inhalation.

Slow breathing in a 5-2-4-2 mentally counted rhythm (counting to 5 during the exhalation, to 2 while holding the breath, and to 4 on the inhalation) causes prana flow in the pelvis and in the leg.

The other benefits of doing this are:  

-It helps us relax,

-treats depression

-Improves concentration,

-treats insomnia


You may also try this “Basic Mudra: Chinmaya Mudrā” 

Here, the thumb and forefinger are the same; however, the rest of the fingers are folded into a fist. The non-folded part of the forefinger and the middle finger should still be touching. Likewise, the hands are placed palms-up on the thighs while sitting in Vajrasana.

This mudra supposedly activates the ribs, making them expand sideways on inhalation. Slow breathing in a 5-2-4-2 counted rhythm (counting to 5 during the exhalation, to 2 while holding the breath, and to 4 on the inhalation) causes prana flow in the torso and in the throat.


Vaya Mudra ( Mudra of Air)





Fold your index finger towards palm and press with the base of thumb. Extend the rest fingers.

The benefits of doing this are: 

– eliminates excessive gas;

 – relives the problems associated with the air element such as: flatulence, constipation, arthritis etc.


Prithvi Mudra for Healing ( Mudra od Earth)





Touch the tip of your ring finger with tip of thumb and then pressing the both finger with each other. Extend the other fingers.

The Benefits of doing this are:

 – balance the element Earth in your body;

-It improves blood circulation;

It improves digestion


 Agni Mudra (Mudra of Fire)





Close the ring finger towards palm and press second phalanx with thumb base and rest of the fingers keep extend.

The benefits of doing this are:

– It improves the metabolism

 -reduces cholesterol;

– reduces fat;


Jal Mudra (Varuna Mudra/Mudra of Water)





Touch the little finger tip of thumb and don’t press the fingers and then keep the rest of the fingers straight like shown above picture)

The benefits of doing this are:

-improves circulation;

-reduce body aches;

-reduce dryness of mouth

You may also try   Adi Mudra. Here, the thumb is folded into the palm, touching the base of the small finger. The rest of the fingers are folded over the thumb, to create a fist. The hands are placed palms down on the thighs while sitting in Vajrasana.

This mudra activates the pectoral muscles, making the chest expand forward on inhalation. Slow breathing in a 5-2-4-2 counted rhythm (counting to 5 during the exhalation, to 2 while holding the breath, and to 4 on the inhalation) makes prana flow in the throat and in the head.


Shunya Mudra (Mudra of Emptiness)





Firs phalanx of your middle finger should be pressed with thumb base.

The benefits of doing this are:

-reduce vertigo;

 -helps with ear, nose and tongue problem


Prana Healing (Mudra Mud rod Life)





Bend your little finger and ring finger then touch these two finger tips to tip of thumb.

The benefits of doing this are:

 -Energize your body;

– boosts your immune system;

– cure eye problems


I wish you all good health and happiness.


Reflections in Water 2

Reflections in Water 2


 Buddhist  Words- Art of Dharma

Mind at Peace

“When the mind is at peace,

the world too is at peace.



Nothing real, nothing absent.


Not holding on to reality,


not getting stuck in the void,


you are neither holy or wise, just

an ordinary fellow who has completed his work.”

(By P’ang Yün-The Enlightened Heart 34)



“Thus shall ye think of this fleeting world:

A star at dawn, a bubble in a stream;


A flash of lightning in a summer cloud;

A flickering lamp, a phantom, and a dream.”

(-Buddha, Diamond Sutra)

“Without insight, meditation cannot contain the highest state of quietude.



Without meditation, wisdom cannot achieve its profundity of insight.”




Reflections in Water

Reflections in Water

To yield is to be preserved whole.


To be bent is to become straight.


To be empty is to be full . . .


To have little is to possess.


 No Water, No Moon

When the nun Chiyono studied Zen under Bukko of Engaku she was unable to attain the fruits of meditation for a long time.



At last one moonlit night she was carrying water in an old pail bound with bamboo. The bamboo broke and the bottom fell out of the pail, and at that moment Chiyono was set free!


In commemoration, she wrote a poem:

In this way and that I tried to save the old pail

Since the bamboo strip was weakening and about

   to break

Until at last the bottom fell out.

No more water in the pail!

No more moon in the water!










As this illusory body vanishes,


This illusory mind also vanishes.


As this illusory mind vanishes,

Illusory sense objects also vanish.



As illusory sense objects vanish,

This illusory vanishing vanishes.



As this illusory vanishing vanishes,


That which is not illusory does not vanish.




State of Inner Tranquility

State of Inner Tranquility




A Buddhist text describes the state of inner peace as such: “Tranquility of mind comes from having successfully transcended greed, hatred and ignorance.”

The state of inner peace can therefore be achieved by bringing all deluded impulses or inner poisons under control.



The greatest achievement is selflessness. The greatest worth is self-mastery. The greatest quality is seeking to serve others. The greatest precept is continual awareness. The greatest medicine is the emptiness of everything. The greatest action is not conforming to the world’s ways. The greatest magic is transmuting the passions. The greatest generosity is non attachment. The greatest goodness is a peaceful mind. The greatest patience is humility. The greatest effort is not concerned with results. The greatest meditation is a mind that lets go. The greatest wisdom is seeing through appearances.




Here’s a Breathing Meditation, one of several ways to achieve peace of mind:

When you start to meditate, you may want to focus the mind by using some kind of external object of concentration. It need not be a physical object—the most common meditation ‘object’ is the breath—but it should be something simple and still. If moving, then it should be something repetitive, like the breath.



A good practice is to count to 21 breaths in and out, and then rest your mind by letting your attention wander for a bit. Then, gently bring your attention back to your breath, counting to 21 again. Rest again, and then repeat this cycle for the duration of your meditation session. You will develop quickly if you focus on counting your breaths in this way.



After a while, once you are accustomed to concentrating, you can stop using an external object of focus. Instead, you can then start to focus on mind itself. At this point, you can also focus on the passing moments of mind. Before starting this more advanced practice, you should first go through the concentration training of shamatha. Later, once your concentration is stable, then you can begin to meditate on mind itself.

Shamar Rinpoche



Upon rising, when you are most rested, before you get out of bed, quietly tune in to the mind. Listen to what your mind is telling you. Is your mind filled with the dream you had just before waking? What is the feeling tone of your thoughts? Are you geared up for the day with a list of things to do?



Whatever is on your mind, begin your day with an intention to be mindful, to pay attention to one thing at a time, one task at a time. Take a few deep breaths and remember that no matter what you are doing, no matter where you are, you can breathe and quiet your mind for a moment.



Each time you do this, you are training your mind to be still, and with practice, those still moments make a big difference.






A Man Stands in His Own Shadow

A Man Stands in His Own Shadow


“A man stands in his own shadow and wonders why it’s dark.”

~Zen Proverb


There was once a man who loved to complain and find fault with everyone and everything. Nothing pleased him, so he moved from one town to another, declaring as he left each place:

“I am going to another town, where the people are friendlier.”

A wise man perceived what the problem was, and as the angry man began striding along the dusty road to yet another destination, the wise man compassionately called out:

“Oh brother, moving from place to place does not serve you well. Wherever you go, there you will also find yourself. Your shadow is always with you.”


“When the sun first comes up and shines on you, your shadow is big behind you. But as you continue to sit; your shadow gets smaller and smaller, until finally it’s just Buddha sitting there. Just the sitting Buddha…You and he are exactly the same.” HOITSU SUZUKI


The Stone Mind

The Stone Mind

Stone Mind Pics (1)

Hogen, a Chinese Zen teacher, lived alone in a small temple in the country.

Stone Mind Pics (2)

One day four traveling monks appeared and asked if they might make a fire in his yard to warm themselves.

Stone Mind Pics (8)

While they were building the fire, Hogen heard them arguing about subjectivity and objectivity.

Stone Mind Pics (9)

He joined them and said: “There is a big stone. Do you consider it to be inside or outside your mind?”

Stone Mind Pics (4)

One of the monks replied: “From the Buddhist viewpoint everything is an objectification of mind, so I would say that the stone is inside my mind.”

Stone Mind Pics (10)

“Your head must feel very heavy,” observed Hogen, “if you are carrying around a stone like that in your mind.”


Stone Mind Pics (6)

Stone Mind Pics (7)


When the clouds fly, the moon travels. When the boat sails, the shore moves.



Shore Moves




The End