Tag Archives: Feng Shui Dining Room

Feng Shui Dining Room

Feng Shui Dining Room

Image by Steve Caunce

Without the valleys we cannot appreciate the peaks.  Feng shui parallels life: Light and dark, active and passive, hard and soft, straight and crooked… all are complimentary and interdependent sides of a holistic philosophy that centers and empowers us.

The dining room is a place where ideally the entire family eats relaxes and is entertained but more importantly it is where pertinent family discussions are held.

It is not unusual to see some families utilizing this space as the study or a work place as well. The table allows the books or papers to be spread out onto a large surface.  To facilitate concentration the room should be a relatively quiet place away from traffic noises and bustling activity.  When using the dining areas as a study select a seat with a wall behind it. This will allow you added protection especially when from your seated position you can observe the comings and goings of others.

Here are some other helpful hints:

  • If there are doors leading and out of the dining area keep them closed, particularly when eating, in that way there is no disturbance of the peace or feelings of vulnerability.
  • If the position of the dining table is close to patio doors or large bay windows with their large glass panels, the person seated at the table may be subjected to too much yin, caused by elements such as cold or damp, light or heat seeping into the room.  Partially closed curtains or blinds can correct these negative effects.
  • Decorate your dining room wall with a painting or picture of abundant food, fruit, and wine.
  • Maintain a balance of space when you accessorize your walls.
  • There should be adequate overall lighting in the room.
  • A clear path between the kitchen and the dining room is essential, so as to allow hot plates and bowls to be safely carried in.
  • Cleaning supplies should never be left in the dining room.  This symbolizes your income, good health and prosperity being removed or cleaned out like dust and dirt.
  • After you entertain in your home cleanse the energy as soon as possible.