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Our Home-Earth

Our Home: The Earth

Our beautiful Earth is home to all species large and small, mankind being no exception. It only makes sense that we take good care of the resources and pay heed to the welfare of this precious Blue Planet. This was a concept rarely considered before the 60’s and 70’s. Plastics for one had gained huge popularity in 60’s and since then have became a bane, something that is now choking the Earth. There is a ray of hope however, for recently they have discovered a mushroom that eats plastics. But I digress; fortunately since the 70’s and 80’s we have gained the conscientious, empathetic understanding that unites everyone in our common desire to save the Earth from this headlong race to destruction. Many organizations are now thriving by employing earth friendly products and processes. I recently visited the Green Living Show in Toronto, and emerged filled with optimism for the health and welfare of our common home: the Earth.

Click here to see a Video: http://youtu.be/Y6WVsqYhRN0

Here are few images from the Green Living Show:

The End.